Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lazy rainy days

All I did today is eat and play Desktop Tower Defense all day. (If you haven't been subjected to this yet, sorry.)

So, with that in mind, it's linklog time!

Trailer for 28 Weeks Later (quicktime, largish) - Hooray for zombies! Err, "the infected" haha. Hopefully the new director can do as wonderful of a job as Danny Boyle did on 28 Days Later. His sequence with the emptied London streets towards the beginning was hauntingly beautiful. (via Dethroner)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms on Virtual Console - I guess the 11th game in the series just came out. I had rented this one as a kid and could never figure out how to play. This will probably go on the list of VC titles that I actually need to buy. (via Joystiq)

New York Times Crossword Puzzles DS! - 1000 puzzles, co-op/competition 2-player modes, I love it. I hadn't heard of it until the boxart was posted on Go Nintendo, so yay for them!

LEGO Batman video game confirmed - I had forgotten that this was announced a few months ago. LEGO Star Wars 1&2 are both extremely fun... err, I mean, WAY TOO KIDDY! We should be blowing things up and maiming cats and not playing cutesy games like these. Bah. :) I'm looking more forward to this one than I was LEGO SW2.

Hacking John McCain - I do like McCain, I really do. I especially like him now that he is down with hot lesbian marriages. This is way too funny. Note to self: Hotlinking bad. (via Kottke)

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