Thursday, May 10, 2007

I got high off of a cardboard box!

There I was, all ready to give another fossil to my main man, Poncho, when I got a super surprise! I walked into his house and saw this:

That little blue bear was cracked out on angel dust or something.

So I've spent the better part of the last week helping Poncho get through the shakes and the shivers. Mostly that meant getting him a lot of medicine, but occasionally he asked me for a pizza as well. He is all better now and completely, 100% off of "the rock."

In other news, I have a bunch of TINY DICE! They are good for TINY CRAPS, TINY YAHTZEE, or really any game that requires some bones to be thrown. I issued a challenge to everyone on my friends list thingy (Target Dog included!) that involved these dice, however, I may have outsmarted myself, as I completely forgot about TINY YAHTZEE, which is a game I hate, no matter what size it is. Hopefully they shall challenge me to something else instead.

At work, we sell the movie Bongwater, which is apparently ten years old and I hadn't ever heard of it until last week. In any case, the DVD case has a sticker that says something along the lines of "super special limited edition scented package." We took turns smelling it. Ken and the newspaper reporter gal both smelled it, but I didn't at first, so I took the cardboard sleeve off and waved it towards my face and it instantly smelled like the green room back in CHS Drama. Woo. I then proceeded to not climb ladders or operate heavy machinery for the rest of the day. I wonder if that packaging is made of hemp?

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