Monday, October 15, 2007

Just click 'publish' and be done with it.

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you don't give a shit. It's about me, me, me. The alternative is to go and watch a girl swinging an onion while singing in Polish.

You know how many half-written posts I've saved and not published about this whole mess? Three. I'm angsty, emotional, hurt, neurotic, and pretty damned miserable. I need to get it off of my chest somehow, and writing it down is the only way that I know how. In doing so, I've tried to be coy, I've tried to be vague, hell, one of those unpublished gems is just a flat-out narrative in which I am flawless and always in the right, of course.

I'm worried about airing dirty laundry though, even when I know that approximately two people read this. Everyone has different advice on the matter, everyone has a different opinion. (Flowers? Are you serious?)

So in lieu of that, this is for some of you:

If you've put up with my long-winded emails, IMs, and texts about anything, thanks. :)

Thanks for offering to listen.

Thanks for giving me something to do.

Thanks for taking me into consideration.

Thanks for being aware that I'm hardly perfect and mostly human.

I know I'm not totally in the right here, but I'm hardly fucking wrong either.

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