Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My hat, it has three corners; Three corners has my hat!

So have I ever mentioned that I really want to steal this boat? er... Commandeer! I want to commandeer this boat. (It's a nautical term.) I figure that all I will need is a smaller and faster boat, a telescope, a potato gun, and a monkey. And a tricorn hat. I mean, seriously, you can pilot that thing with one person? How awesome is that? I'd set up my own floating palace. Somewhere in the Pacific, near GUAM.

This just in: It has been made official- Sanrio now has everything under the sun branded with that adorable little cat. I shall have to purchase a couple kilos as the final touch on my Million Dollar Idea. Perhaps John DeLorean would have bid on it...


I was surprisingly not really sore at all after yesterday's bike ride, which is a very good thing. It's apparently supposed to rain all weekend, so we'll see how much of it I spend on the bike. The canal towpath is pretty wide open as far as cover goes, so I'd basically get drenched if I was out for any amount of time. But I'm not sore, so hooray for my muscular awesomeness!

Of course, if it does rain, I can always go catch a movie. Speed Racer is apparently dirt, so I think I want to catch Prince Caspian instead. (Or IRON MAN again!) Really, I've just got a week to kill until Indy comes out. I do want to hit up Big Don's Wild River Adventure for some mini-golf action as well, but the rain would pretty much defeat that notion right away. I also have it in my head that I want to rent BOOM BLOX for the Wii, so perhaps I shall just stay inside all weekend and play that. We'll see. Friday is payday and I have mad text message abilitiez. So hit me up if you have a better idea. Or if you like one or more of the ideas above. Or if you want to get drunk and have wings. Beer and wings is always a plus. Maybe the pool table will be cleared off this time.

And finally, a tidbit that gives me the serious giggles. I've actually been meaning to post about this item for years. We've sold it at work for as long as I can remember and I'm actually kind of surprised that they still haven't changed the package. It's your average, run-of-the-mill, iron-on inkjet transfer paper for home t-shirt making. (At the old apartment complex, the guys down on the first floor made shirts with hardcore lesbian porno scenes on them.) However, all non-sequiturs about porno shirts aside, the really funny part here is in the picture on the package. Those kids are so happy that their parents have sent them to Camp Crystal Lake! (kii kii kii ma ma ma) Makes me giggle. It has now for years.

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