Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wildflowers is still my #1 choice for Desert Island Album, FYI.

I really, really, really want to see 3:10 to Yuma. Period.

Fair warning, I figured out how to automatically cross-post this directly to the Notes section on Facebook, so some of you may see this a few times, heh. Sorry. Same with the pictures, jokes, and anecdotes... you spend enough time around me, you get a lot of repeats. Right, Justin? Amanda?
So I went up and saw MEGA TODDLER ZKAT over the weekend. I've got pictures all over the place. Of course, the memory card that I loaded with both camera pics and phone pics wasn't recognized by the stupid picture machine at work, but what else is new?
Speaking of work, they're opening another new store in just about three weeks. My old boss wants me to go and help set up their entertainment department, not unlike how we did with the Vestal store last May. On one hand, I'd like to go to see the few coworkers that did end up transferring there, but on the other hand, it's a fairly busy week for me as it is. I've got nine straight days of work, so anything that I did at the new store would basically be on top of that, for six hours at a time after the time that I went to lunch at my store. Plus, as I've mentioned on numerous occasions, I don't particularly care for the old boss in a boss regard, haha. I may or may not end up doing it; I told them that I would discuss it tomorrow, when I'm actually working.
The new vehicle is still awesome. I got a chance to really break it in this weekend when I went up north. Better gas mileage than what I expected: 27mpg on the highway, with cruise control and some AC. Looks like I can expect around 400 miles per tank, which is better all-around than the Mustang was. I was a bit worried about the mileage, since it is a much larger vehicle than what I'm used to, with an automatic transmission to boot. However, it is only a 4-cylinder, which is probably the major saving grace there.
I'm just about to finish Golden Compass (couple chapters left, I just am being lazy on this, my day off), which I wanted to read before the movie came out and have done so. Hooray! Great book, can't wait to get right into the rest of the series. I'd also really, really like an armored bear, a fact that I'm sure that you are very aware of. I also have to finish one of the Heroes discs and send it back to Netflix so I can be caught up there too. (Yeah yeah, I know, the new season started last night. I'll figure it out somehow, haha.)
TJ out.

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