In other news, go see IRON MAN. It's awesome. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was pretty good too. I'll use my newly adopted standard scale of review here:
Forgetting Sarah Marshall- $7.50 out of $9.50: Super funny. Could have done without the dong, haha.
IRON MAN- $9.50 out of $9.50: Go see it. Now.
Really though, IRON MAN is awesome and fully deserving of being typed in all caps. Not being a super deluxe fan of the comic, I won't pick the couple nits that my brother does, heh.
In other entertainment news, I got the R4 Thingy for my DS. It's a flash reader that lets me play homebrew games, go online, use the DS as a PDA, watch media, and, uh, test out games for a demo period, haha. Picked up a lot of DS games as a result of this, YAR, some of which are games that I wouldn't have ever touched otherwise.
So here we go with the same review scale: (Using the retail prices of course, avast!)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village- $30 out of $30: I like logic puzzles. I buy logic puzzle books. This is right up my alley. I log on every Monday for the new puzzle and I can't wait for the sequels.
Contact- $20 out of $20(?): I dunno if this game ever actually came out. I remember reviews for it, and I know some people who actually bought it, but I've never seen it for sale anywhere. In any case, it's pretty, nice RPG with a lot of stuff to do. I might not ever finish it simply because I'm getting caught doing recipes and farming for cooking items.
NY Times Crossword Puzzles- $15 out of $20: I wouldn't have ever played this. I love crossword puzzles, but that shit gets left for free in someone else's newspaper in the break room for Bob's sake. However, it's fun for what it is. Makes me curious about the new CrossworDS game that comes out this week.
And finally....
The World Ends With You- $50 out of $30: Yeah, you read that right. This game is a joy to play. The art style is sweet and the music is awesome. (Hope you like j-pop!) The control is fresh, innovative, and spot-on. I'm a few chapters in and the story so far is pretty nifty. Squeeeeeenix outdid themselves with this one. I really only have one problem with it... I really suck at it. I mean, I can't get a decent battle rank for the life of me. At first I was all happy because I was getting E-ranks on battles until I realize that that shit doesn't mean 'excellent'. I might get better, but I can't manage both screens adeptly and leaving the top screen on autoplay doesn't help me get combo bonuses.
As part of IRON MAN WEEKEND, I rented the Wii version of the game. It's pretty well done, but it's really short. Rent it, or wait for it to hit the discount bins.
I also went bowling this weekend. That was awesome too. I started taking OLAF out for rides again. Between yesterday and today, I've probably biked a total of fifteen miles, which isn't a whole lot, but for my out-of-shape ass, it is plenty. Tomorrow I am off from work, so I will probably try to get the GPS mounted on the handlebars and get an actual distance.
So now I shall leave you with a picture of the GREATEST DRUMMER TO EVER PICK UP DRUMSTICKS:
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